Welcome to the Ottawa Voyageurs Walking Club (OVO) website. The club was formed as a result of the amalgamation of the Rockcliffe Rovers (which was registered with the Volkssport Federation of Canada (CVF) in 1986) and the Club Volkssport Orléans. OVO began operations under the new name of the Ottawa Voyageurs Walking Club on February 12th 2002.
OVO is a member of the Volkssport Federation of Canada (VFC) which in turn is a member of the International Volkssport Federation (IVV).
All club events are sanctioned by the CVF and are eligible for distance and event recognition in the IVV Awards program - a national and international program to recognize the achievements and volunteerism of our walkers.
This site will keep you informed of upcoming events and the latest news about the club.
Check out our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064643471645
NOTICE: for all walkers doing CVF walks in any part of Canada
The Canadian Volkssport Federation is not responsible for any medical expenses resulting from an accident while doing one of our sponsored walks. The CVF strongly recommends that Canadians and non-Canadians have appropriate and adequate medical insurance when walking outside their province of residence, or arriving from another country.